As volunteers with Fermanagh Genealogy….
We man the centre in pairs on a rota system, currently on Monday’s, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Each day is run by a team of four volunteers who alternate the weeks between them — one lead/experienced volunteer and one assistant/learning volunteer. On each day there are three 30min slots available, that visitors can pre book online or book on the day at reception, to seek assistance from us. We are hoping to expand this service shortly to include Tuesdays and Fridays as well. We do not open on any Bank Holidays. We have a week off in July and four weeks off in December/January. We may be unable to deal with people who just drop in if there is no free slot available. These callers can be directed to posting queries on our Face Book page, manned by other volunteers. They could also post email enquiries, via our Museum website page at:, or they can complete a questionnaire sheet, that can be answered when a volunteer is free. We offer a “free signposting service” to locations in Fermanagh, along with useful information on Fermanagh records. This then enables visitors to complete their own research. All with a friendly face to talk to. For those requiring more detailed/expert genealogical assistance we direct our visitors towards our associate professional genealogists, however, they will usually charge for their time.
Our free time and we are not generally asked to do more than two afternoons a month in the centre. We can do more if we are able and willing to help cover absentees & holidays. Some volunteers also help out answering email enquiries or Face Book posts, from home, if they are able & have an interest. Helping with this work is particularly good for knowledge practice. We also have a transcription team, who work in pairs to transcribe Fermanagh Records. We never turn away help with administration, with IT, on the committee, at meetings, in the production of publications and talks, or helping out at events and social activities.
As a registered volunteers we enjoy a friendly, non-taxing activity, learning new information and skills. All while meeting lots of interesting people, from all over the globe. We have access to some of the main genealogical sites. This allows us to direct our visitor enquiries to records that may help them with their research. However, this facility is also helpful for our own research. As a group, we join together to help and teach each other new knowledge and skills. We also organise social events and trips, usually a summer trip out and a Christmas dinner.
We all feel part of a very friendly team. We take great pride in having developed our centre to provide a useful service to our community, and across the world. We also make lots and lots of new friends.